Mid-Winter Check-Up

  • Posted by Member Services
  • On January 18, 2022

The past months of typical prairie winter weather may leave bad spring surprises if landlords do not check-up. These four tips will ensure you get through the second half of winter.

The 2021 winter season rages on as temperatures are dropping and snow is falling once again. It is important for landlords to take inventory and check-up on their properties. Preventing potentially damaging or costly spring repairs is important. Although winterizing was done months ago, landlords should ensure that their properties are still ready for another wave of winter weather.

Snow Removal: A headache at the best of times, the never-ending job of clearing snow is op of mind for everyone. By now, you should have your snow removal plan in-tact. Make sure that equipment is still functional and that you aren’t missing anything.

Check for ice-dams on the roof: For residential providers, you will want to ensure that there are no ice dams on the roof. This could be a sign of an issue with insulation and could potentially lead to more costs. For apartment property managers, if there is risk of falling ice ensure there is proper signage for maximum safety.

Check the exhaust vents: The last thing that anybody wants is deadly Carbon Dioxide circulated back into the property. The furnace exhaust is warm, so when mixed with the frigid cold air it has to potential to freeze and block the vent. This is dangerous. Make sure that the proper ventilation is cleared.

CO Alarms are extremely important: In our last ‘Landlord Ledger’ an updated CO Alarm Regulation was included. That can be found by CLICKING HERE. CO Alarms are necessary in case the furnace ventilation freezes. Read up on the CO Alarm regulation and make sure that your tenants have working CO Alarms in every unit.

Once the main check-up is done, now is a great time for peace of mind. You can rest easy knowing you’ve done what you can to ensure the property is ready for the second half of winter. Stay warm out there!